
Traditionally, if you were baptized as a baby, your parents, sponsors/godparents, and the entire congregation confessed that the Bible is the True Word of God; our belief in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; the importance of prayer, and a desire for you to grow in your faith in our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Confirmation is a time to say, "Yes, I have studied these things and I confirm that I do personally believe them."

Youth who are confirmed receive their First Communion at this time. 

Confirmation is held on Palm Sunday each year. 

STEPPING INTO THE CHURCH  -- The bread and wine is the symbol for this faith stepping stone.  It symbolizes the sacrifices Jesus has made for all and His continued means of grace, and the Baptismal vow of continued maintenance of our faith foundation.  Through the confirmation ministry,  your child has received the tools needed to better understand our church and the doctrine on which it was built,  gaining  the knowledge and understanding needed to continue building  his/her own faith with a little guidance from you.  Your child will publicly profess his/her faith, pledge to share the gifts our Lord has for His Church, and to live them out continually in worship and service to Him.  

 “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.” -- Matthew 10:32
